Welcome to NU Reflect

NU Reflect is available to all students and staff at Newcastle University.

NU Reflect is developed and maintained by FMS TEL, building on over 15 years of experience of developing and implementing ePortfolios across a broad range of contexts. Pedagogic support for using the NU Reflect is available from LTDS and there is also input from NUIT, including user support from IT Service Desk.

Help and Support: please contact: it.servicedesk@ncl.ac.uk. Please also see instructions in the 'Start Here' section.


Latest News

Eportfolio redevelopment workshops
Fri, 14 May 2021 11:34:36 The ePortfolio system is being redeveloped and relaunched for academic year 2021/22 and we would like your feedback. We aim to develop a system that emphasises reflection and supports students ...
New Digital Learning Website
Fri, 24 Jan 2020 13:50:15 We are excited to announce the launch of a new Digital Learning website go.ncl.ac.uk/digitallearning This new site brings together the digital learning activities taking place across the University, providing you with ...
Recent updates to ePortfolio
Thu, 17 Oct 2019 15:26:15 To improve functionality, and in line with staff and student requests, there have been some recent updates to the ePortfolio system. Graduate Framework The new Graduate Framework was embedded in ...